With a new retinal display that boast crisper, clearer images and text, packing four times as many pixels into the same amount of space, a new camera, and FaceTime video calling, Jobs 'excitement was clear. iPhone4配有新的视网膜显示器,拥有更清晰的图片和文字,和上一代产品相同的空间内像素量扩大到原来的4倍,一个新的摄像头,视频电话和FaceTime服务。
The new instant solid soup products display characteristic properties, such as high nutrient, good taste, high quality, handy transportation and packing, which were obtained by a modern freeze-drying technology using fresh egg and vegetable as the main starting materials. 以新鲜鸡蛋和蔬菜等为主要原料,采用冻干技术精心加工制备的速溶汤块新品,具有营养丰富、风味独特、品质优良、方便快捷、货架期长、运输贮藏方便等特点。